פרופ' טובי ביברינג
2021-2022 Fellow of the Massada Visiting Fellowships Programme, Worcester College, Oxford University
2018 Fellow of the Massada Visiting Fellowships Programme, Worcester College, Oxford University
2012 (March-August) Fellow of the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem, member of the group: Jewish Physicians In Medieval Christian Europe: Professional Knowledge as a Cultural Change
מענקי מחקר:
2019 – הקמת קבוצת מחקר בין תחומית (פרוייקט הרקטור) בשיתוף עם ד"ר הילה קרס (המחלקה לתרגום) בנושא " תפיסות תרבותיות של רגשות בימי הביניים ובעת החדשה המוקדמת". 20.000 ₪.
2018 – The Ihel Foundation, 2000 NIS, on
החולה, המתחזה והפתיין: אוניברסליות בספרות העברית של ימי הבינים (צרפת, ספרד, איטליה(
2018 International Workshop in the IIAS, with funded grant from the ISF and the IIAS (NIS 140,000) on: “ ושכל יצא משכל ” (Mishlé Shu’alim by Berechiah Ha-Nakdan, France 12-13th centuries) : Ethics and wisdom literature in a multicultural journey in the Middle Ages, between oral and written traditions.
2012-2015 – Israel Science Foundation (ISF) in partnership with Dr. Revital Refael-Vivante (The Department of Literature of the Jewish People), 354,000 NIS (118,000 per year) on: Critical edition of Berechiah Hanaqdan’s Mishle Shu’alim (Fox Fables) (France, 13th Century): Annotated, with an intertextual literary study
2013 – German -Israeli Foundation for Scientific and Research and Development (GIF), 30,000 Euros on: From a Christian "Isopet" to a Jewish "Isopet": Cultural, Linguistic and Moral Migrations and Intersections in Medieval Fable Lore, Marie de France and Berechiah Hanaqdan.
2019-2023 Member of a COST (European Corporation of Science and Technology) action (CA18126 Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European, City"
2014-2017 Member of a COST (European Corporation of Science and Technology) action (IS0901: “New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts, Strategies and Processes of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe”).
2009-2013 Member of a COST (European Corporation of Science and Technology) action (IS0901: “Women Writers in History: Towards a New Understanding of European Literary Culture”).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 05/11/2023